Title The Weimar Republic sourcebook / edited by Anton Kaes, Martin Jay, Edward Dimendberg
Publication Info Berkeley : University of California Press, c1994
Location Call Number Status
 Watson Library Stacks  230.3 W43    REQUESTABLE
 Modern Art Library  DD240 .W3927 1994    REQUESTABLE
Description xx, 806 p. : ill. ; 26 cm
Series Weimar and now ; 3
Contents 1. The Legacy of the War -- 1. War Neuroses and "Psychic Trauma" (1918) / Ernst Simmel -- 2. The Treaty of Versailles: The Reparations Clauses (1919) -- 3. Speech of the German Delegation, Versailles (1919) / Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau -- 4. The Dogma of Guilt (1919) / Ernst Troeltsch -- 5. The Stab in the Back (1919) / Paul von Hindenburg -- 6. Appeal for a General Strike (1920) / Social Democratic Party (SPD) -- 7. The Stab-in-the-Back Legend? (1922) / Willi Wolfradt -- 8. Fire (1922) / Ernst Junger -- 9. The Spirit of 1914 (1924) / Kurt Tucholsky -- 10. Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front (1929) / Carl Zuckmayer -- 11. The Outlawed (1929) / Ernst von Salomon -- 12. Why War? (1933) / Albert Einstein / Sigmund Freud -- 2. Revolution and the Birth of the Republic -- 13. Spartacus Manifesto (1918) -- 14. The Meaning and Idea of the Revolution (1918) / Heinrich Mann -- 15. Founding Manifesto of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) (1918) / Rosa Luxemburg -- 16. The Constitution of the German Republic (1919) -- 17. On Ebert and the Revolution (1919) / Harry Kessler -- 18. Remembering Eisner (1919-1920) / Wilhelm Hausenstein -- 19. Democracy and Parliamentarism: Their History, Their Enemies, and Their Future (1928) / Theodor Heuss -- 20. Revolution in Berlin (1931) / Bernhard Prince von Bulow -- 3. Economic Upheaval: Rationalization, Inflation, and Depression -- 21. Editorial on the Occupation of the Ruhr (1923) / Das Tagebuch -- 22. Overwrought Nerves (1923) / Friedrich Kroner -- 23. The Dawes Committee Report (1924) -- 24. Hugo Stinnes (1925) / Ernst Neckarsulmer -- 25. The Organized Economy (1927) / Rudolf Hilferding -- 26. Alfred Hugenberg (1929) / Erich Schairer -- 27. Bank Failures (1929) / B. Traven -- 28. Postwar Concentration in the German Iron Industry (1930) / Erwin Kupzyk -- 29. A Moral History of the Inflation (1931) / Hans Ostwald -- 30. The Inflation Boom (1932) / Rolf Wagenfuhr -- 31. Speech to the Lausanne Conference (1932) / Franz von Papen -- 32. The Unemployed (1933) / Heinrich Hauser -- 4. Coming to Terms with Democracy -- 33. On German History (1918) / Friedrich Meinecke -- 34. The German Democracy (1918) / Ernst Troeltsch -- 35. Politics as a Vocation (1918) / Max Weber -- 36. We Nay-Sayers (1919) / Kurt Tucholsky -- 37. Four Years of Political Murder (1922) / Emil Julius Gumbel -- 38. German Center Party Program (1922) -- 39. The German Republic (1922) / Thomas Mann -- 40. Editorial on the Anniversary of the Death of Walther Rathenau (1923) / Das Tagebuch -- 41. Defending the Republic: The Great Fashion (1924) / Carl von Ossietzky -- 42. Social Democratic Party (SPD) Program (1925) -- 43. German People's Party (DVP) Program (1931) -- 44. For Carl von Ossietzky (1932) / Kurt Tucholsky -- 5. The Rise of Nazism -- 45. The Russian Jewish Revolution (1919) / Alfred Rosenberg -- 46. The Struggle of the Age (1920) / Adolf Bartels -- 47. The Twenty-Five Points (1920) / German Workers' Party (DAP) -- 48. National Socialism or Bolshevism? (1925) / Joseph Goebbels -- 49. Mein Kampf (1927) / Adolf Hitler -- 50. Marriage Laws and the Principles of Breeding (1930) / R. W. Darre -- 51. Why Are We Enemies of the Jews? (1930) / Joseph Goebbels -- 52. Address to the Industry Club (1932) / Adolf Hitler -- 53. German Farmer You Belong to Hitler! Why? (1932) -- 54. Fighting League for German Culture (1932) / Joseph Goebbels -- 55. On the Nietzsche Archive and the German Elections (1932) / Harry Kessler -- 6. The Struggle against Fascism -- 56. Hitler's Force (1924) / Ernst Bloch -- 57. An Appeal to Reason (1930) / Thomas Mann -- 58. Theories of German Fascism (1930) / Walter Benjamin -- 59. The German Decision (1931) / Heinrich Mann -- 60. How Do We Struggle against a Third Reich? (1931) / Lion Feuchtwanger -- 61. Open Letter (1931) / Communist Party of Germany -- 62. Cultural Bolshevism (1932) / Joseph Roth -- 63. Ten Theses (1932) / Paul Tillich -- 64. National Socialism: A Menace (1932) / Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin -- 7. White-Collar Workers: Mittelstand or Middle Class? -- 65. Our Stand at the Abyss (1921) / Hans Georg -- 66. The Bank Clerk (1923) / Margot Starke -- 67. The Labor Market for White-Collar Workers (1924) / Fritz Schroder -- 68. Rationalization in Business Management (1929) / Wilhelm Kalveram -- 69. The Misery of the "New Mittelstand" (1929) / Hilde Walter -- 70. Shelter for the Homeless (1930) / Siegfried Kracauer -- 71. The Old and New Middle Classes (1932) / Theodor Geiger -- 8. The Rise of the New Woman -- 72. The Special Cultural Mission of Women (1919) / Marianne Weber -- 73. Manifesto for International Women's Day (1921) / Die Kommunistin -- 74. The Right to Abortion (1922) / Manfred Georg -- 75. Paragraph 218: A Modern Gretchen Tragedy (1926) / Gabriele Tergit -- 76. The Defenseless: A Conversation between Men (1928) / Alfred Polgar -- 77. Women and the New Objectivity (1929) / Max Brod -- 78. This is the New Woman (1929) / Elsa Herrmann -- 79. My Workday, My Weekend (1930) / Textile Workers -- 80. Twilight for Women? (1931) / Hilde Walter -- 81. Women's Work and the Economic Crisis (1931) -- 82. The Kienle Case (1931) / Else Kienle -- 83. Working Women (1932) / Siegfried Kracauer -- 84. Back to the Good Old Days? (1933) / Alice Ruhle-Gerstel -- 9. Forging a Proletarian Culture -- 85. On Proletarian Culture (1920) / A. R. -- 86. The Psyche of the Proletarian Child (1925) / Otto Ruhle -- 87. Schiffbek (1925) / Larissa Reissner -- 88. Conquer Film! (1925) / Willi Munzenberg -- 89. Art is a Weapon! (1928) / Friedrich Wolf -- 90. Program for a Proletarian Children's Theater (1928) / Walter Benjamin -- 91. Our Front (1928) / Johannes R. Becher -- 92. A Survey on Proletarian Writing (1929) -- 93. The Proletarian Mass Novel (1930) / Otto Biha -- 94. Progress in the Workers' Music Movement (1931) / Hanns Eisler -- 95. Willi Bredel's Novels (1931) / Georg Lukacs -- 96. To All Proletarian-Revolutionary Writers, To All Workers' Correspondents (1931) / League of Proletarian-Revolutionary Writers -- 97. Berlin Workers' District (n. d.) / Gunther D. Dehm -- 10. The Jewish Community: Renewal, Redefinition, Resistance -- 98. Nationalism (1921) / Martin Buber -- 99. Jewish Sketches (1921-1922) / Efraim Frisch -- 100. The Countenance of Eastern European Jews (1922) / Arnold Zweig -- 101. What We Strive For (1922) / S. Steinberg -- 102. Editorial, The German Spirit (1924) / Das Tagebuch -- 103. The New Thinking (1925) / Franz Rosenzweig -- 104. Ideological Self-determination of Bar Kochba: The New Year of the Jewish Gymnastics and Sports Association Bar Kochba (1927) / Edgar Marx -- 105. Wandering Jews (1927) / Joseph Roth -- 106. Jewish Self-Hatred (1930) / Theodor Lessing -- 107. On the 1930 Edition of Rosenzweig's Star of Redemption (1931) / Gershom Scholem -- 108. Flyer (1932) / Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith -- 109. Anti-Semites (1932) / Carl von Ossietzky -- 11. Redefining the Role of the Intellectuals -- 110. The "Intellectuals" (1919) / Gertrud Baumer -- 111. The Writer and the State (1921) / Alfred Doblin -- 112. The Function of Intellectuals in Society and Their Task in the Proletarian Revolution (1923) / Franz W. Seiwert / Franz Pfemfert -- 113. The Predicament of Intellectual Workers (1923) / Alfred Weber -- 114. The Revolution of the Intelligentsia (1929) / Hans Zehrer -- 115. Ideology and Utopia (1929) / Karl Mannheim -- 116. Philosophy and Sociology: On Karl Mannheim's Ideology and Utopia (1930) / Hannah Arendt -- 117. We and the Intellectuals (1930) / Ernst von Salomon -- 118. Left-Wing Melancholy (1931) / Walter Benjamin -- 119. On the Writer (1931) / Siegfried Kracauer -- 12. Critical Theory and the Search for a New Left -- 120. Leo Schlageter: The Wanderer in the Void (1923) / Karl Radek -- 121. Marxism and Philosophy (1923) / Karl Korsch -- 122. The Impotence of the German Working Class (1927) / Max Horkheimer -- 123. The State of Contemporary Social Philosophy and the Tasks of an Institute for Social Research (1931) / Max Horkheimer -- 124. Politicizing the Sexual Problems of Youth (1932) / Wilhelm Reich -- 125. On the Sociology of Literature (1932) / Leo Lowenthal -- 126. The SPD and NSDAP are Twins (1932) / Ernst Thalmann -- 127. The Iron Front for a United Front! (1932) / Social Democratic Party (SPD) -- 13. Revolution from the Right -- 128. The Third Empire (1923) / Arthur Moeller van den Bruck -- 129. On the Contradiction between Parliamentarism and Democracy (1926) / Carl Schmitt -- 130. Where We Stand (1926) / Ernst Niekisch -- 131. Berlin Stahlhelm Manifesto (1927) -- 132. Literature as the Spiritual Space of the Nation (1927) / Hugo von Hofmannsthal -- 133. The Concept of the Political (1927) / Carl Schmitt -- 134. German Nationalism, German Theater (1931) / Arnolt Bronnen -- 135. Revolution from the Right (1931) / Hans Freyer -- 136. German National People's Party (DNVP) Program (1931) -- 137. Germany and the Conservative Revolution (1932) / Edgar J. Jung -- 14. Cultural Pessimism: Diagnoses of Decline -- 138. The Decline of the West (1918) / Oswald Spengler -- 139. The Culture of Making It Easy for Oneself (1920) / Hermann Keyserling -- 140. The Catholic Cultural Offensive and Political Catholicism (1924-1925) / Willy Hellpach -- 141. The Longing of Our Time for a Worldview (1926) / Hermann Hesse
Contents note continued: 142. Being and Time (1927) / Martin Heidegger -- 143. On Danger (1931) / Ernst Junger -- 144. The Spiritual Situation of the Age (1931) / Karl Jaspers -- 145. The Worker: Domination and Form (1932) / Ernst Junger -- 146. German Cultural Policy (1932) / Franz von Papen -- 147. After Nihilism (1932) / Gottfried Benn -- 148. The Middle Ages, 1932 (1932) / Ludwig Bauer -- 149. May the Individual Not Be Stunted by the Masses (1932) / Alfred Doblin -- 15. Imagining America: Fordism and Technology -- 150. Americanism (1925) / Rudolf Kayser -- 151. The Monotonization of the World (1925) / Stefan Zweig -- 152. Fordism (1926) / Friedrich von Gottl-Ottlilienfeld -- 153. Worshipping Elevators (1926) / Friedrich Sieburg -- 154. The Mass Ornament (1927) / Siegfried Kracauer -- 155. America and the New Objectivity (1928) / Adolf Halfeld -- 156. The Anglicization of Germany (1929) / Felix Stossinger -- 157. Rationalization and the Social Order (1931) / Otto Bauer -- 16. Berlin and the Countryside -- 158. The Spirit of Berlin (1919) / Ludwig Finckh -- 159. The Romanic Cafe (1926) / Matheo Quinz -- 160. Berlin and the Provinces (1928) / Kurt Tucholsky -- 161. The Suspicious Character (1929) / Franz Hessel -- 162. We Go to a Cafe Because . . . (1930) / Egon Erwin Kisch -- 163. The Intellectual and His People (1930) / Wilhelm Stapel -- 164. The Charm of Berlin (1932) / Harold Nicolson -- 165. Creative Landscape: Why Do We Stay in the Provinces? (1933) / Martin Heidegger -- 17. Designing the New World: Modern Architecture and the Bauhaus -- 166. A Program for Architecture (1918) / Bruno Taut -- 167. Program of the Staatliches Bauhaus in Weimar (1919) / Walter Gropius -- 168. Architecture and the Will of the Age (1924) / Ludwig Mies van der Rohe -- 169. Who is Right? Traditional Architecture or Building in New Forms (1926) / Walter Gropius / Paul Schultze-Naumburg -- 170. The New World (1926) / Hannes Meyer -- 171. The Aesthetics of the Flat Roof (1926-1927) / Adolf Behne / Paul Westheim -- 172. The Bauhaus in Dessau (1927) / Rudolf Arnheim -- 173. Why This Architecture? (1928) / Erich Mendelsohn -- 174. Metal Furniture and Modern Spatiality (1928) / Marcel Breuer -- 18. Housing for the Masses -- 175. The Earth is a Good Dwelling (1919) / Bruno Taut -- 176. Path and Goal (1920) / Martin Wagner -- 177. The New Dwelling: The Woman as Creator (1924) / Bruno Taut -- 178. Rationalization in the Household (1926-1927) / Grete Lihotzky -- 179. A Contemporary Garden City (1927) / Dr. N. -- 180. The Weissenhof Settlement (1927) / Edgar Wedepohl -- 181. A Construction, Not a Dwelling (1927) / Marie-Elisabeth Luders -- 182. The Stuttgart Werkbund Houses (1929) -- 183. A Visit to a New Apartment (1929) / Otto Steinicke -- 19. From Dada to the New Objectivity: Art and Politics -- 184. November Group Circular (1918) -- 185. November Group Manifesto (1918) -- 186. Work Council for Art Manifesto (1919) -- 187. Art at this Moment (1919-1920) / Wilhelm Hausenstein -- 188. The German Philistine Gets Upset (1919) / Raoul Hausmann -- 189. The Art Scab (1920) / John Heartfield / George Grosz -- 190. Dada Tours (1920) / Richard Huelsenbeck -- 191. Creative Credo (1920) / Max Beckmann -- 192. On the 1922 Russian Art Exhibition in Berlin (1922) / Adolf Behne -- 193. Otto Dix (1923) / Carl Einstein -- 194. Introduction to "New Objectivity": German Painting since Expressionism (1925) / Gustav Hartlaub -- 195. Post-Expressionist Schema (1925) / Franz Roh -- 196. Magical Realism (1928) / Misch Orend -- 197. Art and Race (1928) / Paul Schultze-Naumburg -- 198. Among Other Things, a Word for German Tradition (1931) / George Grosz -- 20. Literature: High and Low
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (p. 773-787) and index
Notes Illustrated lining papers
Subjects National socialism -- Sources
Government, Resistance to -- Germany -- History -- 20th century -- Sources
Germany -- Social conditions -- 1918-1933 -- Sources
Germany -- Politics and government -- 1918-1933 -- Sources.
Germany -- Social life and customs -- 20th century -- Sources
Additional Authors Kaes, Anton.
Jay, Martin, 1944-
Dimendberg, Edward.
Series Weimar and now ; 3.
ISBN 0520067746 (alk. paper)
OCLC 29389249